Earn money with Amazon PPC referral

Join our affiliate program and earn 20% of your referral's monthly subscription for a year

Join the program

Earn money or get a rebate on your subscription

Simple process with big return. Spread the word, recommend m19 to your network and friends. Once they register and onboard with m19, you will get paid automatically every month.Payments are issued once your total earned balance reaches $500.


Get 20% of your referral’s monthly subscription in cash or rebate for 12 months.


No set up required. Register and get your link and code in a minute.


Our affiliate’s dashboard offers a comprehensive look at your clicks, trials, sales and commissions.


Get paid automatically every month.

Join the program

“I managed to repay my m19 subscription, just by referring a couple of friends in my network.” Sam, Amazon Seller in Europe and in the US

When you are ready for affiliation, just contact the Customer Success Team, they will arrange all details with you.
The affiliation program can be joined and started any time of the year, with no limit of people recommended.
Feel free to spread the word to the Amazon sellers' world!