Amazon Keyword Search Guide 2024: Optimize your Amazon PPC

Amazon Keyword Search Guide 2024: Optimize your Amazon PPC

What is an Amazon keyword?

An Amazon keyword is a search term that users enter into Amazon's search bar when they are looking for a specific range of products. These keywords usually determine which products will appear on the search results page when Amazon users search them.

Why is Amazon Keyword Research crucial for PPC campaigns?

For sellers on Amazon, choosing the right keywords is essential for optimizing product listings and running successful PPC campaigns. Appropriate keywords impact your ads bidding, target audience reaching, conversion rate,  campaign structure.

Audience Targeting

Keyword research helps you understand what potential customers are searching for on Amazon to find your products. This enables showing ads only for relevant keyword searches, increasing the chance of reaching potential buyers.

Optimize Conversion Rate

Relevant keywords ensure that your ads are shown to the most likely converting potential customers. This increases the ad conversion rate, boosts sales, and lowers advertising costs. Additionally, choosing keywords with higher search volume increases ad exposure, providing more opportunities for potential customers to interact with your products.

Control Ad Budget

Keyword research identifies efficient keywords, allowing you to focus your ad budget on the most efficient ones and maximize your advertising ROI.

What are the types of Amazon PPC keyword?

On Amazon, keywords can be categorized into several types, each with different effects on product listings, search results, and ad campaigns. Here are common types of keywords on Amazon:

1. Main keywords

Describe the essential attributes and primary features of your product. They are crucial and directly reflect your product's main characteristics. Using main keywords in product titles and key features helps improve your product's ranking in relevant searches.

2. Long-tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific search phrases. It usually contains three or more words. While long-tail keywords may have a lower search volume, they are more targeted and attract potential customers with specific purchase intent. Using long-tail keywords helps reduce competition and increases conversion rates.

3. Brand Keywords

Brand keywords include your brand name. They help expand brand awareness, increase brand search volume, and prevent competitors from using your brand name for their ads.

4. Competitor Keywords

Competitor keywords are often related to your competitors. Understanding your competitors' keywords provides you with market insights, guiding optimizations in your product listings and ad strategies.

5. Ad Keywords

Ad keywords are the keywords for which you want your ads to be displayed for specific search queries. They are used to increase exposure and click-through rates for Amazon PPC ads. Common match types in ad keyword settings include Broad Match, Phrase Match, and Exact Match.

These match types determine how closely a customer's search query must match your selected keywords for your ad to be eligible to show.

Broad Match

This match type provides the broadest reach but may also result in less relevant clicks. For example, if your broad match keyword is "running shoes," your ad might show up for searches like "best-running shoes" or "blue running sneakers."

Phrase Match

In "Phrase Match," your ad will be eligible to show when a customer's search query contains the exact phrase you specified, but it can include additional words before or after the phrase. For instance, if your phrase match keyword is "organic baby food," your ad could appear for searches like "buy organic baby food" or "organic baby food brands."

Exact Match

With "Exact Match," your ad will only show when a customer's search query exactly matches the keyword you've selected. This match type provides the most targeted and specific reach, which may result in higher relevancy and conversion rates. For example, if your exact match keyword is "blue leather handbag" your ad will only be displayed for searches that exactly match "blue leather handbag."

Also, if you don’t want your ads to appear when customers search keywords such as “Cheap leather handbag” that are not relevant to your products, you can set up negative keyword listings and block them. This ensures that your ads are displayed only to users who are more likely to be interested in your products.

amazon keyword search

How to conduct Amazon PPC keyword research?

Free Keyword tools

There are various tools available to help sellers and advertisers can help you find relevant and high-performing keywords for FREE.

  1. Amazon Search Terms Report: The Amazon Search Terms Report is a valuable tool that provides insights into the search terms customers use to find and interact with your products. By analyzing this report, sellers can make data-driven decisions to improve their product visibility and increase sales.
  2. Google Keyword Planner: Although primarily designed for Google Ads, the Google Keyword Planner can also be used for Amazon keyword research. It provides data on search volumes and keyword suggestions based on relevant terms.

Third-party keyword tools

Third-party SaaS companies like Helium 10 and Jungle Scout provide several keyword search tools for identifying valuable keywords for your Amazon listings. These kinds of tools operate automatically, using their extensive database and advanced algorithms to generate keyword suggestions based on the seed keyword or ASIN provided by the user. The tool does not require manual input of keywords. But instead, it automatically retrieves relevant keywords from its database of Amazon search terms.

The process is automated. They provide users with a comprehensive list of keywords with important metrics like search volume, estimated search traffic, and competitive product ranking, etc. to refine your keyword selection. Especially like Helium 10, provides a particular tool “Reverse ASIN Lookup”, where users can enter an ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) from competitors and discover the keywords that may drive strong traffic and sales to you.

This automation makes the keyword research process efficient and saves your time in identifying valuable keywords for Amazon listings and PPC campaigns.

In addition, it's essential to note that keyword research is a part of Amazon advertising, and you shouldn't separate it from Amazon ad campaign building. Besides using specialized keyword research tools and Amazon's keyword tools, there is now some dedicated PPC software for automating Amazon advertising. They can help you optimize your keywords list while constructing automated PPC campaigns.

As an Amazon seller or a marketing agency managing Amazon advertising, you only need to operate a few steps, and the algorithm takes care of the rest, refining the process for you.

m19 to go further than keyword harvesting

For example, to build and bid on the list of keywords, m19 uses its proprietary algorithm to predict the conversion of all search terms and product pages which generated at least one click on your items, which follows these steps for running efficient PPC campaigns on Amazon:

  1. Auto PPC Campaign: m19 auto PPC campaign explores various search terms and product pages. This campaign will use Amazon's algorithm to discover new patterns and relevant keywords that customers are using to find your products.
  2. Phrase Campaign: Then it identifies the best-performing keywords for each of your product according to ASINs. This campaign allows you to target specific phrases and variations that closely relate to your products.
  3. Exact Match Campaign: The last step is to establish an exact match campaign and bid on search terms that you already know to be good or bad performers based on your historical sales data. For high-performing keywords, bid competitively to maintain visibility and maximize conversions. For low-performing keywords, set lower bids or add them as negative keywords in other campaigns to avoid wasting the budget.

explain how m19 keyword exploration works


To conduct extensive research to find the most efficient keywords is always time-consuming for Amazon PPC advertising. However, using PPC softwares empower you to build a powerful keyword list for your PPC ad campaigns, while also helping save time for your business operations.

m19 is a top-tier Amazon ads optimization software that supports brands in accelerating their growth. If you want to boost sales through Amazon PPC, don't hesitate to contact us!

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Xuan Xie
April 16, 2024
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